Time Shift: Jnana Yoga Woensdag 7/12 |
Geplaatst door Alec Boswijk
donderdag 24 november 2011 |

Let's talk about the (planerary-) mind, yoga, the divine and what straight people call 'God'.
Yoga is not just to get your body in shape or your mind at ease. It is an evolutionary technology to be studies and applied. It is nothing about what we thought it was about anyway. It is about weather you are able to align your own free-will with the Divine will. So we look forward to your power and talents that will support our growth just by being who you are, to align with the Divine in a delightful way in an honest evaluation of yourself. Each of us is responsible for her/his own process, and each of us must seek to understand the unique mission that the Creator requires of us. The 13-moon calendar is an invaluable tool and essential piece of the puzzle. This is not a Gooogle search. This has happened before. What do you remember? What is your part? Question every thing. Aks your questions here to see if you can deal with the answer... This last meeting (Planetary Star, Wednesday December 7th) we will see how the codes of time are reflected in our daily lives, how to overcome the fatal believe in your karma, instead finding your Dharma, your path in co-creation with the creator. About Siris Emanuel (aka, ´Ben Ben´ en ´Maya Joost´) SiriS Emanuel and is a planetary engineer and alchemist. His life is fully lived in abundance and curiosity, dedicated to study, practice and experience. He brings a devotional and poignant energy to his sharing of the Sacred Science that is Synchrogalactic Yoga. His intuitive, compassionate and courageous approach to life will give the student a deeply empowering, inspirational and healing experience. SiriS Emanuel combines work and travel to share his teachings everywhere. Accept his guidance. 'I’m really happy to meet you, you have a special light, an incredible energy, I love your yoga lessons and everything you share with us.' 'Still remember when I met you..and your words rumbling inside my brain. Such interesting guy looking for the crazy root of the everything as me and holding that knowledge with such confidence that could guide or orientate others. You are a little piece of a jewel...' If you consider attending, please enlist at Facebook. |
Laatst geupdate op ( dinsdag 06 december 2011 )